January 15, 2020
In February 2013, Dr. Head and team attended the Academy of Laser Dentistry's 20th annual conference and exhibition held in Palm Springs, California. The Academy of Laser Dentistry is an international professional membership association of dental practitioners and supporting organizations dedicated to improving the health and well being of patients through the proper use of laser technology. The Academy actively encourages education and research through its certification programs, publications, meetings and additional activities. Dr. Head and our hygienist Charity, have been members of the Academy of Laser Dentistry since 2011 after completing their standard proficiency exam and certification course. As one of the first dental professionals in this area with CO2 laser technology, it has been an asset in providing minimally invasive care to patients receiving minor surgical procedures and pain reduction treatments including periodontal therapy, extractions/oral surgeries, biopsies and treatments of painful ulcers and cold sores. To find out more about laser therapy, see the laser dentistry link on the home page or give us a call today.